Certificate in International Financial Reporting (Cert IFR).

The online course includes all the study materials you will need, although students will benefit from having a copy of the International Accounting Standards Board's (IASB) International Accounting Standards book, which you can order from the IASB website in the Related links list on the left-hand side of the page.

If you are already applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) at work and want formal recognition of your skills, you can apply to only take the online CertIFR assessment. 

You can apply online at any time. When you have paid by credit or debit card, you will get access to the online course and assessments for 12 months. Typically, a student should take 20 hours to work through the course.

Studying for another qualification as an ACCA member, can count towards your continuing professional development (CPD). The certificate is assessed by a one-hour exam with multiple-choice questions.

The pass mark is 50%.

The fee covers three attempts to pass the assessment.