Ethics module rules.

Your responsibilities when engaging with any of our Ethics Modules.

Ethics Modules rules

Being an ACCA student will bring you lots of benefits, but with those benefits come certain obligations. This pages outline the rules you must adhere to when completing any the Ethics Modules.

Ethics Modules regulations

The following Ethics Modules regulations apply to candidates completing the Ethics and Professional Skills Module (EPSM), Pathways EPSM, the Foundations in Professionalism (FIP) module and Professional Ethics Module (in Russian) (Collectively the ‘Ethics Modules’).

  1. You are required to adhere at all times to ACCA's Rulebook, the Ethics Modules regulations and Ethics Modules guidelines. If you are found to be in breach of any of the Ethics Modules regulations or fail to adhere to the Ethics Modules guidelines, you may become liable to disciplinary action pursuant to ACCA’s bye-law 8, which could result in your removal from the student register. You are liable to disciplinary action in accordance with the bye-laws, regulations and guidelines in force at the time of the breach. All disciplinary proceedings, shall be conducted in accordance with the byelaws and Complaints and Disciplinary Regulations in force at the time of such proceedings.
  2. Ethics Modules content is owned by ACCA. You are prohibited from copying, photographing, videoing or reproducing in any manner Ethics Modules content, including quiz and assessment answers. You are strictly prohibited from distributing or seeking to exploit for commercial/personal gain and/or any other reason, copies of Ethics Modules content, including quiz and assessment answers, to any person including other ACCA registered candidates.
  3. You must not use, post, share or display all or any part of the material from the Ethics Modules on:

    a) any public or social media sites, including but not limited to YouTube or Facebook for any reason; and/or
    b) student community blogs/vlogs or similar platforms for tutoring or other purposes.
  4. You must not provide or otherwise make available the Ethics Modules in whole or in part, in any form to third parties.
  5. You must not access all or any part of the Ethics Modules in order to create derivative works or build a product or service which competes with or is substantially similar to the Ethics Modules.
  6. To assist ACCA in maintaining the integrity of the Ethics Modules, you must report to ACCA if you become aware of other persons breaching these Regulations, for example sharing the Ethics Modules content, including quiz and assessment answers.
  7. If ACCA suspects, or has cause to believe, that there has been irregular conduct and/or identifies anomalous activity in connection with your Ethics Module it reserves the right to (i) nullify your Ethics module result (ii) not refund your Ethics module fee, and/or (iii) suspend your ability to sit further ACCA Ethics Modules.
  8. Ethics Modules quiz and final assessment answers must be your own work and must not be copied. You must therefore not copy answers from others or allow others to copy your answers.
  9. ACCA reserves the right to change these Ethics Modules regulations and Ethics Modules guidelines at any time without prior notice in accordance with its bye-laws. In the event that any changes are made, the revised Ethics Modules regulations and Ethics Modules guidelines shall be posted on ACCA’s website immediately. Please check the Ethics Modules rules webpage to inform yourself of any changes.

Ethics Modules guidelines

Students must comply in every respect with these Ethics Modules guidelines.

  1. Although your Ethics Module attempt is not invigilated you must work through it on your own.
  2. It is reasonable for you to seek guidance from your learning provider or ACCA Connect if you are unable to progress, however this should be for guidance only. No-one should provide you with answers to the quizzes or end of module assessment.
  3. All answers to the quizzes and end of module assessment must be your own. You must not attempt to access or obtain answers from other sources before or during your attempt of an Ethics Module. You must not copy answers from others or allow others to copy your answers.

Misconduct - Ethics Modules

A registered student found guilty by ACCA's Disciplinary Committee of contravening an Ethics Module regulation may be disqualified from any examinations for which the results have not yet been issued, barred from sitting examinations for a specified period, removed from the student register, and/or be liable to such other penalty as the Disciplinary Committee may determine.

Publicity will always be given to the Disciplinary Committee’s decision and in all but exceptional circumstances the registered student will be named. ACCA reserves the right to withhold the completion of a registered student’s Ethics module while a complaint against him or her is under investigation or consideration.