Booking your ACCA exams is quick and easy. Find out how to make and amend your exam booking, along with important information on progression rules.
Book your exam
Use our online booking platform to book centre or remote session exams. These exams take place during our March, June, September and December exam sessions.
You can enter for these exams as long as you have no other fees outstanding.
Remote or centre exam
Not sure whether to book a remote or centre exam? Use our decision tree tool to help you decide which format to take.
Access the exam format decision tree tool
In most countries you can take a session exam at one of our exam centres. We partner with the British Council to provide a consistently professional exam environment. Due to the nature of computer based exams, on very rare occasions exams can be impacted by technical issues. Should your exam be disrupted in any way, we will make every effort to minimise the disruption.
Remotely Invigilated exams are available in some countries. Students taking their exam remotely must ensure they meet the technical and room setup requirements before booking.
On-demand exams
On-demand exams are booked directly with our exam partners. Use the exam availability and booking table to search for your location and book your on-demand exam.
Success starts today
Sucess isn't created overnight. It begins by taking small steps. Watch this video to find out how.
Session exam fees and booking deadlines
Each exam session has a standard and a late booking deadline with associated exam fees in place during each entry period. We strongly recommended booking during the standard entry period to pay the lowest exam fees.
View, cancel and amend session exam booking
Once you have booked a session exam, you can view the booking details, change or cancel the booking. Any changes or cancellations must be made before the standard entry deadline, and should you choose to cancel your booking you exam fee will be credited to your account.
Changes or cancellations made after the standard entry deadline are not permitted and your exam fee will not be credited to your account.