Preparing for exams
The below resources and signposts will provide you with all the information and advice that you need to get started on your ACCA study journey. Start by checking out the planning your route section, where we have a series of videos to help you choose the order to sit your exams, as well as an online planning tool to help you map out your study year.
Planning your route
Get off to the best start with our exam pathways videos and Compass planning tool
Tuition and study
Think about how you are going to study and what’s going to give you the best chance of passing
Find study resources
View our wide range of free resources to help you prepare for exam success
Kickstart your learning journey
Video: There’s a world of resources to support you every step of the way
Getting started with exams
Find out about InSession, our exam preparation countdown emails, and the key resources to use during different phases of study.
Get Ready modules
Interactive modules to check your understanding of key syllabus areas and core concepts before you tackle a new subject.
Study well: establishing good study habits
Explore exclusive articles, videos and podcasts to help you maintain mental and physical wellbeing while studying.
What do to after exam results
Whether you’ve passed or not, it’s time to stop, think and reflect on your next steps.
Returning to study after a break
Returning after a break can be a challenge but we'll be with you every step of the way.