Performance objectives.

Performance objectives allow you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and techniques in the workplace.

As part of the practical experience requirement (PER), you'll need to achieve performance objectives. The performance objectives and exams are closely linked. This means that the knowledge you'll develop through your studies are also relevant to the skills and techniques you'll use in the workplace.

Performance objectives are the benchmarks of effective performance. They describe the types of work activities you'll be involved with as trainee accountants. They also outline the values and attitudes you should demonstrate.

You'll need to achieve nine performance objectives in total:

  • all five Essentials objectives, and 
  • any four from 17 Technical objectives.

You'll demonstrate your achievement of the performance objectives by performing activities in the workplace. You'll then write a statement to provide examples of your experience which demonstrates to your practical experience supervisor that you have to achieved the objectives.

For more information on the performance objectives, download the performance objectives booklet (PDF, 724KB).

To learn more about how Performance Objectives link to exams, download the exams to objectives factsheet (PDF, 22KB).


Which objectives to choose?

You’ll need to achieve all 5 Essentials and choose 4 Technical objectives.

It’s best to choose Technical objectives that align to your role. You'll find it much easier to achieve the performance objectives if you focus on the objectives that link most closely to your every day work. 

For example, if you're not working in a specific audit or tax role you won't be getting the right level of experience to achieve these objectives. You should choose other objectives that are more relevant to your role.

How are performance objectives structured?

There are three parts to a performance objective:

  1. A description - This is a summary of the objective
  2. Elements - Each objective has five elements which outline the tasks, skills and behaviours you must demonstrate to achieve the objective
  3. A statement - You'll need to write a 200-500 word statement where you demonstrate achievement of the objective by providing examples of your work

To complete a performance objective you need to achieve all five elements and write a statement. These are submitted to your practical experience supervisor for approval.

Your PER progress - the achievement of the performance objectives, and time spent in a relevant role, are all recorded online in MyExperience, which you access via MyACCA.

Completing performance objectives with an Approved Employer

Your employer may allow you to record your achivement of performance objectives in a simplified way if:

  • you work for an ACCA Approved Employer and
  • your employer holds trainee development approval at Gold or Platinum level.

This is because we recognise that some employers have training programmes which support their trainees to complete their objectives. So in these cases, you’ll achieve the objectives through the training you receive from your employer.