HEC recognition of the Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting.

Important information for tuition providers in Pakistan

The HEC (Higher Education Commission) in Pakistan recognises the Oxford Brookes ACCA BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University as equivalent to a three-year bachelors degree. Students who have met the criteria outlined below will be able to apply to the HEC for recognition of their degree.

New students registering with ACCA from 31 July 2006

To obtain recognition for their degree, students must have:

  • registered for the ACCA Professional Scheme after completing their intermediate/A level or equivalent. Proof of registration and entry qualifications will have to be submitted by the student to the HEC when applying for equivalence;
  • undertaken tuition for all of their ACCA Professional Scheme papers at a tuition provider registered on ACCA's Approved Learning Partner (ALP). The following supporting evidence must be submitted by the student to the HEC:

1. Joining Certificate and Leaving Certificate, both of which have been duly signed and stamped by the Head of the UCRS accredited tuition provider;

2. An attendance report for all qualifying papers, provided by the Customer Services Team of ACCA Pakistan;

3. Grade report of all ACCA papers passed by the student;

4. A copy of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting degree certificate from Oxford Brookes University.

  • attended at least 80 per cent of classes at a ALP tuition provider. For recognition purposes only, if a student's attendance falls below 80 per cent, HEC requires that they study the paper again to make up their attendance deficiency. If a student has attended over 80 per cent of classes for a particular paper and fails the examination, HEC does not require the student to attend the classes again but do require that the student pass the paper before applying for recognition.

Procedures for tuition providers

An important prerequisite for ALP-registered colleges who operate within the provinces is that they obtain permission from the Provincial Education Department. For further information or contact details of the Provincial Education Department, please contact your local ACCA Pakistan office.

ALP-registered colleges are required to maintain detailed attendance registers to provide students wishing to obtain recognition of their degree with the following evidence.

  • ALP Joining Certificate – should be issued to a student upon enrolment at a UCRS institution. This must be signed by the Head of the Institution and be printed on the Institution's letter headed paper. 
  • ALP Leaving Certificate – should be issued to a student when they leave a UCRS institution. This must be signed by the Head of the Institution and be printed on the Institution's letter headed paper. 
  • Attendance Statistics – with effect from July 2006, all ALP Institutions in Pakistan are required to submit attendance statistics of all their Professional Scheme students to their local ACCA Pakistan office. These statistics must be submitted by e-mail to ACCA Pakistan. Attendance statistics will only be accepted if received directly from the ACCA co-ordinator or the Head of the ALP Institution.

Student attendance statistics should be submitted to ACCA Pakistan at the end of each term, at the very latest by the first Monday of June and December.

ACCA Pakistan reserves the right to verify these statistics during annual monitoring visits. 

In addition to the above information, students are required to obtain a Student Record Verification, which is issued by the Customer Services Team of ACCA Pakistan. 

Existing students and affiliates registered with ACCA before 31 July 2006

Existing students registered with ACCA before 31 July 2006 and enrolled on the Oxford Brookes degree programme, and ACCA Affiliates who have already completed their Oxford Brookes degree, may also apply for recognition from HEC. Recognition will only be granted by HEC to those who meet the same criteria outlined for new students registering with ACCA from 31 July 2006 and who registered with ACCA after the 13 October 2004.

Student enrolment

Student Enrolment Verification – should be issued by the ALP Institution to the student. This must be signed by the Head of the Institution and be printed on the Institution's letter headed paper. 

The student must then submit this letter to their local ACCA Pakistan office for verification. Once verified, the student must submit this letter with their grade report for all ACCA papers passed and a copy of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting degree certificate to the HEC to obtain equivalence.

ACCA Pakistan contact details

If you have any queries regarding the recognition of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting, please contact your local ACCA Pakistan office.

ACCA Lahore
61-C Main Gulberg
Tel: +92 (0)42 111 22 22 75
Email: cs.lhr@accaglobal.com

ACCA Karachi Office
Suite # 1201, 12th Floor, Vital Foakh Tower,
Plot 02-Modern Co-operative Housing Society,
Main Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi
Tel: +92 (0)21 111 22 22 75
Email: cs.khi@accaglobal.com

ACCA Islamabad Office
Suite 2-A 3rd Floor Ali Plaza
1-E Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area
Tel: +92 (0)51 111 22 22 75
Email: cs.isb@accaglobal.com