Rachael Johnson
Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance

Rachael Johnson is ACCA's Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance for Policy and Insights. Rachael has over two decades' experience creating thought leadership on a range of risk and governance topics, from ESG risk and impact investing to risk modelling and ERM. As the secretariat of ACCA’s Global Forum for Governance, Risk and Performance, she also regularly provides comments for related policy consultations. In January 2022, she set up ACCA's Chief Risk Officer and Heads of Risk Forum and later that year was awarded the DCRO's prestigious Risk Exemplar's award. Additionally, she is a member of both Accountancy Europe's (AcE) Corporate Governance Policy Group and the Business at OECD (Biac) Committee for Corporate Governance, which supported the revisions of OECD's G20 Principles of Corporate Governance in 2023. She also serves on the Good Governance Academy's ESG Exchange's Technical Committee.