HEC recognition of ACCA Qualification.

The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) continues to recognise ACCA membership equivalent to a Master’s degree awarded by universities in Pakistan (involving 16 years of schooling i.e. Masters in Commerce). This recognition is important as it not only helps with international mobility needs of ACCA members but also assists in their education aspirations so they can continue to contribute through their technical, professional and ethical skills towards the social and economic development goals of Pakistan.

Procedure for HEC equivalence

ACCA members can acquire equivalence certificates with their name directly from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This is a standard practice that you can continue to benefit from where a certificate of equivalence to M.Com degree is issued to ACCA members who become eligible post their final exam passing. This can be useful in job applications in and outside of Pakistan. To avail this service, you can directly go to HEC’s online portal: eservices.hec.gov.pk

If you do not wish to claim the individual certificate, a general equivalence notification is also available on the HEC website. To view the notification issued by HEC, please click here.

HEC has further advised universities and employers to consider ACCA members equivalent to a Master’s degree holder and determine suitability of the candidates for admission and jobs as per their own rules and regulations.

In case of any queries, you can reach out to us at members.pk@accaglobal.com.