ACCA Membership and Fellowship.

ACCA membership

Once you have completed your ACCA Qualification by passing your exams, along with three years' practical experience and the Ethics and Professional Skills module, you will be invited to become an ACCA member. You will be able to use the 'ACCA' letters after your name.

Benefits of being an ACCA member

You will:

  • improve your career progression and have the potential to earn a high salary
  • be able to work anywhere you choose, internationally - because of our world-class reputation
  • have flexibility in your career choice - you can work in any business sector from the financial services and public practice to the public and corporate sectors
  • be part of a global professional body with a reputation for driving global standards of professionalism, ethics, integrity and accountability
  • have access to a range of world-renowned technical materials and research as well as comprehensive resources designed to support your continuing professional development (CPD) including:
    - free access to accounting jobs adverts posted by top employers
    - free access to accounting and auditing standards
    - technical updates
    - access to exclusive online and face-to-face learning opportunities
    - further accountancy qualifications from ACCA, as well as from reputable academic and professional partners
    - other national accountancy bodies will recognise your member status.

Achieving fellowship

When you have been an ACCA member for five years and completed your CPD for that time, we will automatically award you the prestigious title of Fellow. You will receive a letter and a certificate to welcome you to your newly-awarded FCCA status.

The FCCA (Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant) status shows employers that you have extensive experience and have made a long-term commitment to professionalism and ethics.