The role of Council and the Council Board
Our Council is currently made up of 47 members from 19 countries. It meets four times a year, including the annual Council meeting in November after the AGM.
Council members are a diverse group of practitioners, academics, chief executives, chief risk officers, managing directors and finance managers, who come from various countries around the world.
Their knowledge, experience and cross-sector, global perspectives drive our strategy and ensure we lead the profession.
Our Council Board comprises officers (the president, deputy president and vice president), three Council members, two non-Council appointees and Chief Executive (ex officio). Council Board will meet six times a year and will be responsible for oversight of performance in delivering the strategy, reporting to Council.
Council and the executive team collaborate in order to devise our strategy which is then approved by Council. Delivery of strategy is the responsibility of the executive team, with governance of the process and performance management provided by Council.

What do our Council members do?
Council has a wide-ranging remit that includes: ensuring that we operate in the public interest and deliver the objectives stated in our Royal Charter, setting the overall direction of ACCA through regular approval of our strategy, engaging with our members to explain and promote our strategic direction, and providing an objective environment for the executive team to explore new ideas or challenges.
Council members act on behalf of the whole ACCA membership and are responsible for ensuring that our development continues in line with our stated mission and values.
By doing this, Council has an important public value role, being ultimately responsible for safeguarding our reputation, image and brand. This ensures that these are protected and improved for the benefit of existing and future members, their clients, employers and the public at large.
What does the Council Board do?
The Council Board meets six times a year, and is responsible for oversight of performance in delivering ACCA’s strategy, reporting to Council. Show less information
Audit Committee & Remuneration Committee
(reporting to Council Board)
Nominating and Governance Committee
(reporting to Council)
These are appointed by Council. The terms of reference for the committees are available on request from
Four regulatory and subsidiary committees are appointed by Council.
Appointments Board
The Appointments Board controls the appointment, appraisal and removal of panel members including chairmen, disciplinary assessors, regulatory assessors and legal advisers.
Qualifications Board
Our examination procedures and experience arrangements are overseen by our Qualifications Board.
Regulatory Board
The Regulatory Board provides guidance about our regulatory and disciplinary arrangements. Under its constitution, Council is represented on the board by two members.
Standards Board
Our Rulebook must comply with our statutory obligations, Privy Council requirements and rule-change decisions made by Council. Our Standards Board is responsible for ensuring this happens.
International Assembly
International Assembly
The International Assembly was formed in 1997 in recognition of our fast-growing, increasingly diverse and mobile membership. It remains a unique resource to ACCA - no other body has such a diverse representative group.

The role of our International Assembly, as an advisory forum to Council, is to provide input into strategy and development. This gives a voice to our members across the world - all regions where we have ACCA members are represented.
The c.60 representatives meet virtually, every year for two days, where they are also joined by Council on day two of the Assembly. Council is represented on International Assembly by the three Officers plus three other Council members.
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