Professional skills.

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Progressing your PER
A proactive approach to achieving your practical experience requirement will help you reach your ultimate goal of ACCA membership

Top 10 global in-demand skills
We reveal the most sought-after trainee skills from across the world

Six ways to get noticed at work
Your long-term career success depends on winning the attention of others at work. Maintaining a high (while positive!) profile could mean becoming involved in new projects, which could help you towards completing your performance objectives

Planning ahead
Planning how you will meet your performance objectives will help you focus on the areas you need to to achieve your practical experience requirement

Five tips on how to network effectively
What should you do to take advantage of a good networking opportunity when one arises?

Top tips on becoming a model employee
Leading recruiters reveal their top tips for becoming the best possible employee. Alex Miller reports

Creating your right impression on your first day
Leading recruitment experts offer top tips to create the right impression on your first day in a new role. Alex Miller reports

The case for collaboration
Modern accountants must develop collaboration skills that go beyond traditional teamwork capabilities. Iwona Tokc-Wilde reports

Communication is key
Talented candidates may lose out if they cannot communicate their skills and successes, says Dr Rob Yeung. Plus, we reveal the perfect etiquette for the first day at work

Your platform to success
We provide advice and a little inspiration to help you on your journey towards achieving ACCA membership and realising your career goals

Importance of work experience
We take a look at just how crucial work experience is to your career progression chances. Alex Miller explores

Keeping a lid on it
Expressing negative emotions is frowned upon in the professional workplace. But sometimes you just cannot help feeling angry, upset or worried. So how should you react? Iwona Tokc-Wilde finds out

The added benefits of using My Experience
How recording PER regularly gives you the advantage

Importance of work experience
We take a look at just how crucial work experience is to your career progression chances. Alex Miller explores

Conquering stage fright
Fear of speaking in front of a crowd is incredibly common, but you can learn to use it to your advantage. Iwona Tokc-Wilde finds out how to become a more confident public speaker

How to improve your team-player skills
Teamwork is prerequisite to the success of any organisation, and to the success of the individuals who work there. It’s vital you keep developing the skills that enable you to collaborate well with colleagues and clients

Playing to your strengths
Strengths-based questions are getting more common at interviews. We find out what to expect and how to prepare

The secondment solution
We take a look at how secondments can give careers a welcome shot in the arm. Alex Miller reports

What do employers look for?
There are a number of major traits employers look for when hiring trainees. We take a look at a number of the most common

How to develop a career plan
We take a look at how to develop a career plan to help ensure your career stays on the right road

Critical success factors
Some graduates, trainees as well as newly-qualified accountants struggle to launch the kind of career they want and deserve. What’s holding them back? Iwona Tokc-Wilde finds out

Planning ahead
Planning how you will meet your performance objectives will help you focus on the areas you need to to achieve your practical experience requirement

The skills needed to be a CFO
We take a look at some of the most important steps required to become a chief financial officer. Alex Miller investigates

Personal SWOT analysis
If you look at yourself and your career using the SWOT method, you can make the most of your talents and opportunities and gain advantage over your peers. Iwona Tokc-Wilde reports

Jargon buster
Most professions develop a language of their own. You will feel more confident in job interviews if you know some of the financial, accounting and business buzzwords. Just don’t go overboard when using them yourself!