Recording experience.

If you're in a relevant role you should start recording your PER as soon as possible.

You'll use the online MyExperience tool to in MyACCA plan and record your achievement of PER.

The tool will help you to:

  • record your employment, role and supervisor details
  • calculate the amount of experience you’re gaining in your role
  • plan your development and target performance objectives
  • complete the performance objectives
  • submit your experience to your practical experience supervisor for approval
  • track your progress towards achieving the PER.

If you’re not yet working in a relevant role you can still log into the tool and have a look around to become familiar with the performance objectives and how to record your experience.

Adding employment details

You'll record details about your employer and your role. The tool will calculate how many months experience you have gained in your role based on the employment dates, amount of hours worked per week and the relevance of your role.

You can also add details of previous relevant roles - even if they were before you became an ACCA student. Previous experience needs to be signed off by the person who supervised you in that role.

It's best to record your progress as you go along, adding new roles if you change jobs and getting you’re time signed off if you are leaving a role.

Remember it's only the time you are working that can count towards your PER - so if you are taking an extended break from work but will be returning at some point in the future you should add an end date to you role when you finish and can add a new role with a new start date when you start working again.

How do I record experience if I'm on career break?

As your PER is based on the time you’re gaining relevant work experience - if you're taking an extended break from work but will be returning at some point in the future (for example maternity leave, long term illness or taking time off to care for a relative) you should add an end date to you role and can add a new role with a new start date when you start working again.

Completing objectives

You'll need to achieve all 5 Essentials and at least 4 Technical objectives. You don't have to complete all the objctives at once and can complete them in any order.

You also don't need to complete a performance objective all one go. You can write a draft statement or keep notes until you are ready to complete and submit this to your supervisor.

You can work on multiple objectives at the same time and send different objectives, in any order, to your supervisor for approval.

The tool will track the status of the objectives you've started working on and will update your progress as you complete them.

Writing your statements

Your statement is where you summarise the experience you have gained towards achieving a performance objective. 

In your statement you should describe the skills you've gained and reflect on what you've learned, using different examples for each objective. Make sure you clearly document the tasks or activitivites you've undertaken to enable your supervisor to sign-off your objectives. 

You don't need to write your statement all at once - you can start working on it, save your progress and come back to it later. When you've written your statement - and it's within the 200-500 word limit - you can submit the objective for review.