Approved Employers.

ACCA's Approved Employer programme recognises and rewards employers staff training and development.

The Approved Employer programme is an accreditation of employers' learning and development policies and systems.

Working for an Approved Employer

If you work for an ACCA Approved Employer who holds trainee development approval at Gold or Platinum level, then they may allow you to claim your performance objectives in a simplified way. This is because ACCA has assessed that the level of training and support they provide to you is sufficient to meet the PER. 

However, it is important to confirm that your employer has this level of approval and whether they will allow you to record your achievement of the performance objectives in a simplified way.

You should check with your employer and can also search ACCA's Approved Employer directory.

This exists because ACCA recognises that some employers have training programmes - which give their trainees the necessary support to complete their PER.  However it is important to confirm that your employer has this level of approval and whether they will allow you to record your performance objective achievement in this way.


Simplified performance objective recording

If your employer allows this, it means that you do not need to record the performance objectives in MyExperience and will achieve these through the training you’ll receive with your employer – you’ll still need to complete a minimum 36 months’ experience.

You must use MyExperience to record your employment information to let ACCA know that your role is with an Approved Employer and you’re planning to claim the performance objectives in the simplified way. You’ll be prompted to download the Approved Employer PER confirmation form in the recording tool when you achieve 36 months experience.

Leaving an Approved Employer

If you work for an Approved Employer where you are recording your achievement of performance objectives via a simplified route, and you are planning on leaving, you must complete the Approved Employer PER Confirmation form. This will ensure that you have a record of any performance objectives you have achieved while working for them.

You’ll also be prompted to download the form in the recording tool when you add an end date to your role - or when you achieve 36 months experience. Please forward a copy of the form to ACCA. We will update your record to reflect the performance objectives and time you have achieved.

Please retain the original form for your own records.