English and maths skills.

Want help in assessing whether students enrolling on your courses have the basic English and maths ability to start on their ACCA studies? Or do you have students on your courses who lack the skills in English and maths needed to succeed in their studies? 

We can help! Encourage your students to complete our self-check modules to assess their levels of ability.

Our self-check modules are optional to complete, free of charge and could save your students time and money in the long run as they are provided with feedback on their levels of ability in and their readiness to manage their ACCA or CAT studies.

They are also completely anonymous so the results don't get written back to ACCA. It could be just the thing your students (and you) need to give them confidence and reassurance they have the maths and English skills required to tackle our exams. And if they don't? There are e-learning modules which are free of charge which students can opt to complete to help improve their maths skills and links to learning materials offered by other providers to help improve their English skills.

And the benefits to you as a tuition provider? You can get students to use the self-check modules as part of your induction process to ensure your students have the right levels of ability to cope with their studies, helping you to safeguard your pass rates.

For those who may get weak scores, you also have free, ready-made e-learning modules in maths which you can incorporate into your study programmes in class or homework to develop your students' skills and confidence. For English, we offer modules to help students improve their English language skills. So everyone benefits!

Find about the English language support resources and the self-check modules designed to help students through every step of the ACCA Qualification.

Visit ACCA's Virtual Learning Centre to access the maths self-check modules.

Please note: this is the student Virtual Learning Centre. Learning providers will be prompted to create a login and password to access the information.