Information about the exemption accreditation.

What is an accredited institution?

An accredited institution is any institution for which an assessment has been carried out by the professional qualifications approvals team against one or more of the programmes conducted at that institution.

ACCA can accredit the following types of qualifications for exemption:

  • Certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Foundation degrees
  • Bachelor degrees
  • Postgraduate qualifications
  • Professional qualifications

To find out if any programme assessments have been made in respect of your institution, please use our Exemptions calculator.

What are the key points of ACCA’s exemption policy?

An exemption will only be awarded when ACCA is completely satisfied that it matches a student’s prior learning, and will ensure that the student has an equivalent level of knowledge to students who have completed the same exam of the ACCA Qualification by examination.

The key points of ACCA’s exemption regulations, which allow us to fulfil these requirements, are:

  • exemption is only awarded on the basis of qualifications, and cannot be considered on the basis of work experience
  • exemption is only awarded on the basis of qualifications which contain relevant content to any of the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams of the ACCA Qualification
  • to preserve the ownership of the ACCA Qualification and ensure that all students share a common experience, no exemptions are awarded for the Strategic Professional exams.