Before you apply...
Before you make an application for Exemption Accreditation please ensure that you have read our Exemption Handbook which includes full information about the programme.
Once you are ready to make an application please use the Exemption Accreditation Application Pack which explains the steps and contains the required documentation to make the application.
- Download the Exemption Accreditation Application Pack (Interactive PDF, 611 KB)
What supporting documentation is required?
In order to complete the assessment, the professional qualifications approvals team must receive the following supporting documentation:
- Detailed programme structure, including full list of options and elective papers
- Syllabus details for all modules with relevance to any of ACCA’s Applied Skills and Applied Knowledge exams
- Pilot/live examination papers for all modules with relevance to any Applied Skills and Applied Knowledge exams
- Where appropriate, a copy of the articulation/franchise agreement between the awarding body, and the educational institution that is delivering the programme.
Submitting your documentation
Please send the above documentation along with a completed Application Pack to the Professional Qualifications Approvals team via email to
Please note: Applications for accreditation will only be considered from Higher Education Institutes and not from individual students.
Institutions based in India may be subject to additional exemption accreditation regulations. For further details please contact Sweedrina D'souza.
Promotion of ACCA Accredited Programmes
You must ensure that all advertising and promotional materials produced, or advertising and promotional activities undertaken, are in accordance with our regulations. Any breach of our advertising regulations may result in immediate suspension or removal of your exemption accreditation.
We take no responsibility for any inconvenience or costs incurred from the resulting delay to the application following suspension or removal for either of the reasons detailed above. If the identified issue with advertising cannot be resolved in an acceptable timeframe, we reserve the right to reject your application at our discretion.
Your institution's website and social media pages may be reviewed as part of your initial accreditation and reaccreditation application.
Please ensure you read the full detailed regulations which can be found within the Exemption Accreditation Application Pack.
Institutions based in India are subject to additional promotional regulations. You can find the additional regulations for India on our India site.
ACCA Examinations
ACCA expects all examination papers submitted for exemption assessment to be unique to the institution applying for exemption accreditation.
Upon receipt of your application ACCA will use specialist detection software to ascertain if your examinations are in fact unique. If plagiarism has been detected ACCA will be unable to proceed with an assessment of your programme until you have removed the plagiarised questions.
ACCA has made, and continues to make, significant investment to develop globally recognised and relevant qualifications. In order to protect the integrity and quality of the whole range of qualifications, all aspects of ACCA’s qualifications* are protected by copyright.
ACCA does not permit, under any circumstances, the unauthorised copying, reproduction or translation of ACCA’s qualifications. ACCA’s entire suite of qualifications remains the intellectual property of ACCA and should never be held out as the intellectual property of another party.
Any attempt to copy, replicate or translate any aspect of ACCA’s qualifications is an infringement of ACCA’s intellectual property rights and, as such, provides grounds for ACCA to pursue a claim for copyright infringement.
ACCA will pursue copyright infringement claims in the event that any of the circumstances outlined below occur:
- Copying, reproduction or translation of the content of any part of ACCA’s qualifications:
I. in full
II. where it is found that the substantive part of a text is a copy, reproduction or translation of any part of ACCA’s qualifications
- Copying, reproduction or translation of the style and/or design of any part of ACCA’s qualifications.
ACCA expects all stakeholders and interested parties to respect the intellectual property rights subsisting in its qualifications.
*ACCA’s qualifications include the syllabus and examinations for the ACCA Qualification, the Foundations in Accountancy suite of qualifications, the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR), the Certificate in International Financial Reporting (CertIFR), the Certificate in International Auditing (CertIA), the Diploma in Financial Management (DipFM) as well as ACCA’s Foundations in Professionalism, the Ethics and Professional Skills Module and the objectives outlined in ACCA’s Practical Experience Requirement.