UK MSc Accounting and Finance programmes.

UK MSc Accounting and Finance programmes

Increasingly, ACCA students wish to continue their studies to Master degree level after graduation. Here is a great opportunity for you to choose a UK university to progress your studies, enabling you to become a Complete Finance Professional. The International Masters programmes including UK Master's programs are for students who have passed all or gained exemptions for all the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams and offer opportunities to study a Master's degree while preparing you for ACCA Strategic Professional exams.

Gaining an MSc with a prestigious university while simultaneously qualifying with ACCA makes you instantly attractive to employers and provides you with valuable learning experiences essential for your own journey of success.

Note: students are advised to conduct their own programme research which involves consulting with the chosen university and with the Ministry of Education Study Abroad Service Centre.

If you are an ACCA student from China

Particular attention should be paid to overseas study time, course credit exemptions and whether the degree is recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education. You can find out more information on the ACCA China website