Students' FAQs on other programmes and certificates.

Where can I find information on the tuition and learning materials available for the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR)?

ACCA has developed Approved Learning Partner programmes through which we give recognition to both tuition and content providers who have been quality assured by ACCA. Providers need to meet a number of challenging quality assurance measures to become an Approved Learning Partner.

Details of ACCA’s Approved Learning Partners can be found on directories which also signpost other providers not quality assured by ACCA.

Please use the 'ACCA study options' link in the 'Related Links' section of this page for further information.

How do I access online courses such as the Certificate in IFRS, Certificate in IPSAS and the Certificate in International Auditing once I have registered?

On registration, you will be sent a user ID and password with instructions on how to access the course.

What if I forget my username and password?

Contact us and we will provide you with suppport.

Do I receive a certificate on successful completion of the online course?

Yes. On passing the assessment, your certificate will be emailed to you. Please note that this is sent to the address that you entered on registration.

Can I take two online courses at the same time?

Yes, but you must register using the same AD number eg AD12345 or the same ACCA membership/registration number.

I’ve heard that ACCA offers the certificate in International Auditing and Certificate in IFRS - is this true?

Yes, please click on a link in the Related Links box in the top left-hand corner of this page for more information. Please note that the course and assessment for Cert IA and Cert IFR is available in Spanish.

Where can I find out more information about the CERTIFR, DIPIFR, CERT IPSAS AND CERTIA qualifications?

Please visit the Our Qualifications section for more information on these qualifications, including who they are for, how they work, syllabus details and application dates and fees.