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Meet Scott...

Scott Wayth ACCA

Company: Aegon UK

Job title: Finance Controls Assurance Manager

Favourite food: Hard to choose but I think it has to be pizza!

Who or what inspires you:

I don’t have one thing or person who inspires me. Seeing friends, family or colleagues achieve great things makes me question what I can do next!

What was your study route:

I self studied, I found this to be the most flexible and allowed me to revise and complete exams at my pace.

What do you do in your spare time:

Going out for food and drinks with my girlfriend is one of our main hobbies! I also enjoy meeting up with friends and family and going to the occasional game of football.

Perfect job:

I don’t believe I have a perfect job. As long as I feel heard and believe that I am making a difference then I will likely be enjoying each day.

Career aspiration:

Progressing into my current role was my most recent aspiration, I am now keen to develop my skills in this role and my presence in the company before considering any next steps. 

What did you want to be when you grew up:

A footballer and funnily enough an accountant. This is because we had a family friend who was one but I am not sure I knew what it actually meant.

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

City breaks are my favourite – I really enjoy exploring new places. I think I might treat myself to a pool and relaxation holiday this year though after completing ACCA. 

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

I had support from a few people: a friend who was slightly ahead of me and supported with materials and guidance; my line managers at work helped to motivate me on my journey; my family gave morale support and my girlfriend for all of the above and much more! 

Advice for students going through the exams:

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, balancing study and work can be difficult – celebrate your success(es)! At an exam level… make sure you leave yourself enough time to do plenty of question practice!