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Meet Carlissa...

Carlissa Daniels ACCA

Company: J&A (International) Limited

Job title: Head of Finance

Favourite food: Anything chocolate!

Who or what inspires you: 

My biggest inspiration is my Mum. She has always worked hard and accomplished great things in both her career and personal life; I aspire to be as successful as her and hope I can make her proud in what I achieve.

What was your study route:

Following my GCSEs, I decided to take the apprenticeship route so that I could gain hands-on work experience, at the same time as progressing through my studies. At the age of 15, I was offered a job at a local accountancy practice, where I studied my AAT. I then went on to work for my current employer, J&A (International) Limited, where I completed my ACCA and continued to gain valuable practical experience. Personally, I would say the apprenticeship pathway has definitely suited me; it has given me the opportunity to progress faster, and also to apply the knowledge I have learned through my studies to my role in industry accounting.

What do you do in your spare time:

I love to be active and enjoy lots of sports, including running, ice skating and sailing. I always enjoy setting myself new challenges and this year am hoping to complete the National Three Peaks challenge within a 24-hour timescale. I also really like doing things with my family, and particularly love going on shopping trips with my Mum!

Perfect job: 

To be honest, I love my job at J&A! Every day I get to take on new challenges, working alongside a great group of people. I also love the variation my role brings, and really enjoy being involved in other aspects of the business too.

Career aspiration:

Within my career I hope to reach a point where I am able to make a difference within the company I work for and use my skills to contribute to business improvements. I am determined to work hard to fulfil my goals and to become an asset to my employer.

What did you want to be when you grew up:

Since doing work experience, I knew accountancy was what I wanted to do. I’ve always had a keen interest in business, so really enjoy the analytical side of accounts. I also love being involved in understanding the company I work for and helping to add value.

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

I love visiting new countries and exploring new places. I never tend to go to the same place twice, so my favourite type of holiday is anything adventurous and anywhere I get to gain more amazing life experiences.

Biggest support throughout your studies and career: 

For me, I would say my biggest drive through my studies was my passion and keenness to reach the end result. From the beginning of my journey, I aimed to become one of the World’s youngest ACCA members and feel proud to have qualified at the age of 19.  In terms of my career, I am very lucky to work for a really supportive employer, who encouraged me through my studying and have also given me amazing opportunities in my role at work too.

Advice for students going through the exams:

Don’t give up! The exams are tough and the preparation takes a lot of time and commitment, but it’s definitely worth it in the end!