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Meet Marc...

Marc Windmill ACCA

Company: Alter Domus

Job title: Senior Accounting Officer

Favourite food: Anything spicy but specifically Turkish! 

Who or what inspires you:

Constantine the Great is my biggest inspiration 

What was your study route:

I did my AAT for three years, then went to Oxford Brookes and did a two year course. Once I completed this I did five ACCA exams through First Intuition 

What do you do in your spare time:

I love to run, swim, and read. I'm recently finished the fourth book of Dune and now want to start American Psyco

Perfect job:

Financial Director for a large firm

Career aspiration:

Over the next few years I want to get into management and then become a financial controller 

What did you want to be when you grew up:

A film director. 

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

South of France and the Mediterranean 

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

My mum who always gave me encouragement and help when needed. 

Advice for students going through the exams:

Make sure to learn all the questions which you know will come up. For example for SBR I would make sure to nail group accounting and ethics as that 50% of the marks that we know will come up.