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Meet Donna...

Donna Clark ACCA

Company: Mitchell Meredith Chartered Accountants

Job title: Corporate Client Manager

Favourite food:  Anything Italian

Who or what inspires you:

My mum, she has always been successful in everything she turns her hand to

What was your study route:

I completed a degree in Accountancy & Finance with Law at Aberystwyth University and then went on to study for my ACCA membership at University of South Wales in Newport.

What do you do in your spare time:

I have a three year old so my spare time normally involves Mr Tumble or Paw Patrol.

Perfect job:

Sounds cheesy but basically my current job, I’m very fortunate in that I enjoy going to work each day.

Career aspirations:

To continue to gain further responsibility in my current job and grow a client base within the Company.

Childhood dream job:

Something related to numbers or money

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

We went on a cruise around the Caribbean for our honeymoon, it would take a lot to beat that!

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

My family for putting up with what must have seemed like endless hours of studying and my employer who always allowed me the time and resources I needed to complete my exams.

Advice for students going through the exams:

Plan your time and don’t rush it, if you rush the exams it’ll take you longer in the end.

What is the best thing about being an ACCA member:

The sense of achievement