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Meet Jessica...

Jessica Bailey ACCA

Company: Azets UK

Job title: Audit & Accounts Senior

Favourite food: Pizza!

Who or what inspires you:

My mum

What was your study route:

I studied AAT straight after GCSEs at a local college and then joined my current employer as an ACCA trainee, where I studied at University of South Wales.

What do you do in your spare time:

Pre-covid I enjoy going to the cinema and having food and drink with friends. More recently I enjoy long walks and bike rides - to make sure I get fresh air from WFH all week!

Perfect job:

Although I do enjoy accountancy, if I could do anything I would love to be on the West End, but unfortunately I don't have the skills to pursue that!

Career aspirations:

I aim to become a Finance Director

Childhood dream job:

Sounds sad but... an accountant. As my auntie is one and I wanted to be just like her!

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

Definitely a beach holiday - I am planning on a big all inclusive holiday to Mexico post-Covid!

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

My employer and colleagues were really supportive through my studies, alongside my partner, family and friends.

Advice for students going through the exams:

Start question practice straight away. Don't waste time making notes (unless of course this works for you) but I feel practice makes perfect!

What is the best thing about being an ACCA member:

I have only recently became a member as I qualified in October 2020, so the best moment so far is to be able to use the letters after my name. It is also great to be part of such a great community and have access to useful resources.

What’s a fun fact about you:

I support Liverpool FC and enjoy going to Anfield with my dad to watch matches.