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Meet Amy...

Amy Harris ACCA

Company: Portt & Co

Job title: Management Accountant

Favourite food: Don't have a favourite; depends what I fancy at the time

Who or what inspires you:

Travelling, seeing new places and meeting new people in different cultures. My year in Australia was the most inspired I have ever felt.

What was your study route:

 Mostly home study, just using text books but did a couple of home learning courses with study providers.

What do you do in your spare time:

Cycle, gym, travel and listen to music

Perfect job:

Production Accountant on a film or TV show or working for the such companies as the BBC or ITV as an accountant.

Career aspirations:

To be happy, fulfilled and valued in a job that challenges me and develops my knowledge, I am indifferent to exactly what role that might be and how senior I may progress.

Childhood dream job:

 Film Director

 Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

 USA - Road Trip

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

 My first manager who mentored me in my first accounts role and who inspired me to continue studying after I finished AAT and gave me the confidence to try as I lacked the belief.

Advice for students going through the exams:

 Study consistently for the 3 month period before each exam, remained focused and dedicated to the end goal and do a lot of question practice. ACCA isn't hard its just a lot of content and needs a lot of dedication and engagement. Use Open Tuition too that's a fantastic free resource.

What is the best thing about being an ACCA member:

Sense of achievement of completing the qualification, being a professional and part of an association that is regarded highly. It also opens career paths up that you might not have otherwise.

What’s a fun fact about you:

 I lived and worked in Australia for a year and it was that time off that made me ready to come back and study - which I did.