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Meet Jan...

Jan Gajdos ACCA

Company: PayPoint plc

Job title: Senior Commercial Analyst

Favourite food: Pork schnitzel. The list is long and as I have a sweet tooth, I need to include a couple of my favourite deserts – Turkish Kunefe and Italian Cannoli top the list. 

Who or what inspires you:

People who achieved great things despite the odds; underdogs, and the success stories of the garage start-ups which transformed into successful businesses. I think anything is possible when there is a will. 

What was your study route:

I attended campus three days a week when studying towards my first six papers (and passed five papers in these six months). After that I signed up for online tuition due to a job change. From then on progress was much slower and I would say my lack of self-discipline was the main factor in this.

What do you do in your spare time:

Loads of DIY! Since we bought our house I’ve been fixing, refurbishing, upcycling or doing something up almost every weekend. I took up archery a few years back, however I paused for about a year but feel like it’s time to get back into it. I also like to get out on my bike when the weather is nice and explore the countryside. 

Perfect job:

Gardener as I like to spend time outside in nature. 

Career aspiration:

Successful and respected but I also like to have comfortable life, enough time to spend with my family and do things I enjoy.

Favourite holiday destination or holiday type:

Turkey but you may say I am a bit biased as my wife is Turkish. 

Biggest support throughout your studies and career:

My wife, I couldn’t do it without her support, nagging and her faith in me. Also, my managers – I’ve had a couple across two different roles and both were, and still are, my role models, mentors and good friends. 

Advice for students going through the exams:

Don’t give up - it’s not easy but absolutely worth it! Definitely read exam resources/supporting materials like the Examiner’s Report, Examining team guidance and technical articles. All of these will provide essential insight and hints for what to expect in the exam. Also, practising past exam questions is a must, without this you’re literally halving your chances of success. I have made this mistake myself in my early exams.