Thinking ahead and innovating
2004 Singapore Environment Reporting Award Ceremony

Before Sustainability became a mainstream topic anywhere in the world, ACCA Singapore already advocated for an Environmental Award to recognise and encourage organisations that have taken positive steps towards reaching this goal. Here’s one of the award ceremonies at the Ritz Carlton in 2004.
2018 Ethics Film Festival

The ACCA Ethics Film Festival was yet another innovative and engaging way of highlighting and discussing ethical dilemmas through movies. Specially curated movies were chosen in collaboration with the Singapore Film Society. Highlights of the event included a special panel discussion after the movie at the cinema itself where subject matters experts deliberated and shared their views with the audience.
2019 ACCA Annual Conference

“Prepare for the Future of Finance: Agility for Industry 4.0” was the theme for the 2019 conference. Our Guest-of-Honor was Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Education. Among our esteemed keynote speakers was Mr. John Williams, CEO of the Agile Business Consortium.
2019 Smart Finance with INSEAD

The Smart Finance series was a refreshing approach to introduce technology solutions to the business accountant with INSEAD as a partner. The series essentially allowed ACCA to bring together technology solutions providers, C-suites finance leaders and INSEAD to explore what lies ahead in the horizon, understand challenges and barriers of implementation and arriving at probable solutions to these challenges.
2019 ACCA AccXelerator Programme

The AccXelerator programme was a specially tailored workshop for Small and Medium Practices to undergo an inside-out transformation journey. It started with a hands-on Design Thinking workshop to allow participants to re-visit their business objectives, reflect on their long-term goals and exploring innovative tools and solutions to empower them to re-invent and scale their businesses. The champion of the AccXelerator programme was Ms Jocelyn Lim, member of the ACCA Singapore Members Network Panel.
2019 SME Scale-up Workshop

The SME scale-up workshops were a series of member-initiated events that invited experienced industry-leaders and subject matter experts to share on critical insights to enable SMEs to achieve even greater results. This series was led by Dr Vincent Lim, member of ACCA Members Network Panel.
2022 ACCA Virtual Conference
The 2022 edition of the Annual Conference was special in that it was a hybrid event due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. Here’s a photo of some of the panellists gearing up for their session. From left to right: Magdalene Ang FCCA, Director, R Chan & Associates PAC, Paul Tan FCCA, Co-founder Kreston Ardent CAtrust PAC (Kreston ACA) and Yuan Wenyun, Managing Partner, Bamboo Sea.