1998 'The Hawaiian Paradise'

A rare photo of a Hawaiian themed members’ dinner back in 1998. In attendance was ACCA’s then Chief Executive, Anthea Rose and the former President of the Institute of CPA of Singapore, the late Mr Tan Boen Eng.

CASSOS Student Committee in 2002

ACCA students are roaring with energy and over-flowing with creativity, here’s an early committee photo of the Certified Association Students Society of Singapore (CASSOS). These elected student members worked hard to ensure that ACCA students have access to fun activities, exam support and career advice. Featured here is Eugene Liu Ji (back row second from left) who was the President of the society.

CASSOS Sentosa Outing in 2004

Here's an early photo of a CASSOS outing at Sentosa's Siloso Beach back in 2004 - Day of Fun in the Sun! Check out the raw energy and fun! If you were a student back then, were you in this photo too? The CASSOS President back then was Darrell Tan who is now a passionate ACCA advocate.

2003 Members' Forum

Back before the time of zoom meetings, members do often get together in-person to share their thoughts and ideas to advance the profession and to create opportunities. Featured here is Dr Ernest Kan, who was then the President of the ACCA Singapore Local Executive Committee leading the discussion with members.

2005 ACCA Singapore AGM

The AGM is a time of renewal of the ACCA Local Executive Committee (now the ACCA Singapore Members Network Panel) and a great opportunity for members to catch up with each other – this is still true today!

ACCA President Christopher Forster visiting FTMS in 2005

The ACCA global President plays an important role in connecting with members around the world and bringing with them ACCA’s message and influence. Here’s an early photo of ACCA President Christopher Forster inspiring and sharing his experience with a group of students from a former ACCA Tuition Provider FTMS Global.

Art Appreciation at St Regis in 2017

Members got treated to a culturally intense evening appreciating art pieces on display at the St. Regis. All thanks to ACCA member, Irene Ho, in joining the dots and making this event possible with the help of sponsors and supporting partners. 

2019 ISCA Run

ACCA is a strong supporter of the annual ISCA Run and we will often bring together a large contingent of members and staff to participant in this event. We are often among the loudest groups among the participants too!

2021 Regional Members Networking

When Covid stuck, the member communities were quick to pivot and took advantage of new tools like Zoom meetings to connect with not only Singapore-based members but members from the region as well. Here’s one of such session in a series of similar activities. Eventually, the idea blossomed, and it led to a new series of events for regional members called the Asia Pacific Thought Leadership Series of Webinars.

2022 ACCA Singapore AGM

With remote working becoming the new norm, the 2022 AGM also became a hybrid event with physical attendance at our new office at BaySpace at MBFC as well as virtual participations via Zoom. We have also made the once formal event more social and even-more enjoyable!

2022 ACCA Global Walk Run Ride

The brainchild of our Immediate-past Chair, Belinda Young and our Council Member Amos Ng, the ACCA Global Walk Run Ride activity was our answer during Covid for engaging members while observing safe-distancing rules. It first started off with small groups of members completing an activity but using Zoom to connect with everyone at the end of the event. This event caught on and when restrictions were lifted in 2022, we got together in a big way again!