Deconstructing advisory – why it’s simpler than you think

AVN brings you a free series of webinars to help you diversify your services

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Shifting to delivering advisory services to clients is not only incredibly rewarding but becoming increasingly essential as technology shortcuts accounts production and related functions.

But for some the word advisory is filled with ambiguity, for others it's a scare word and for some it excites them, but they're not sure how to deliver it or approach clients with it.

In partnership with AVN Inspiring Accountants, this 12-part webinar series aims to:

  • inspire accountants to step into advisory with their clients
  • instil belief and confidence in their ability to make a difference through advisory and be well rewarded for it
  • how to approach even sceptical clients about advisory
  • how to deliver it effectively
  • how to ensure it's not all reliant on the owner(s).

The first webinar in the series takes place on 1 May 2024; register now for the whole series.