HMRC webinars to assist practitioners

Free webinars and updates on various reliefs and tools to help you in the forthcoming tax season

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Trade losses    

This webinar looks at the types of relief you can apply for within the Income Tax Act 2007, along with key information such as time limits and the temporary extensions applied to the loss carry back rules.
Register here.

Capital allowances and vehicles
This basic webinar is part of HMRC’s annual self assessment programme covering the rules for cars, qualifying expenditure, pools and rates and vehicle hire purchase.
Register here.

Declaring your grants on your company tax return (CT600)
Watch this YouTube video for an overview of how to report Covid-19 support payments and grants on your company tax return, what happens if you’ve claimed too much and records you need to keep.

You can also refer to the ACCA PCRT guides in relation to errors on support grants.

Accessing the Income Record Viewer
The Income Record Viewer is the quickest and easiest way to check your clients’ pay, tax details, employment history and pension information.

To help you, HMRC has produced a short YouTube video which you can pass on to your clients, that shows them how to authorise your request so you can easily and securely access their information.

VAT registration is quicker, easier and more secure through the VAT Registration Service (VRS) 
From November‌‌‌ 2023, customers should apply for VAT registration through the online VAT Registration Service. It’s the quickest, most secure and easiest way to register, and over 95% of HMRC customers already use this service.   
A small number of customers will still need to apply for VAT registrations by post because they are exempt from applying online, it’s a specific type of registration, or they are digitally excluded. These customers can call the VAT Helpline on 0300‌‌‌ 200‌‌‌ 3700 to request a VAT1 form.

Learn more about registering for VAT on GOV‌‌‌.UK at 'Register for VAT'.

For details on how to apply for an exemption visit Making Tax Digital for VAT and for paper registrations go to 'Register for VAT by post'.