About this course
This course introduces the principles of financial accounting, and will allow learners to demonstrate technical proficiency in the use of double-entry techniques. This includes the preparation and interpretation of basic financial statements for sole traders, partnerships and companies.
Building on your knowledge, this course will:
- Prepare you to take the ACCA exam Financial Accounting (FA/FFA)
- Teach you to record, process and report business transactions
- Help you use the trial balance and identify and correct errors
- Prepare you to draft financial statements
- Help you apply the qualitative characteristics of useful information
What you will learn
In this course you will learn about:
- context and purpose of financial reporting
- qualitative characteristics of financial information
- double-entry and accounting systems
- recording transactions and events
- preparing a trial balance (including identifying and correcting errors)
- preparing basic financial statements for incorporated and unincorporated entities
- preparing simple consolidated financial statements
- interpreting financial statements.
Related ACCA exam
Financial Accounting prepares you to take related ACCA exam Financial Accounting (FA/FFA), when you register as an ACCA student.
Related ACCA award
Find out about related ACCA exams and awards, and how you achieve them.
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