Intermediate Bookkeeping.

Preparing you for the ACCA exam Maintaining Financial Records (FA2)

About this course

Intermediate Bookkeeping is part two of a programme designed for anyone who is just starting out on their business, finance or accountancy journey and wants to expand their accounting and finance skills.

Building on what you learned in Introduction to Bookkeeping, this free online course will:

  • Prepare you to take the ACCA exam Maintaining Financial Records (FA2)
  • Enhance your finance and accountancy skills, exploring how to prepare financial statements
  • Prepare you for a position as an accounting administrator or bookkeeper

If you have some basic knowledge of accountancy, business and finance, then this is the course for you. If you do not, then start with the introductory course.

What you will learn

In this course you'll learn:

  • widely accepted accounting principles and concepts
  • how to account for business transactions and events and prepare financial statements
  • reconciliation of control accounts and the cashbook.

Related ACCA exam

Our ACCA-X course Intermediate Bookkeeping prepares you to take Recording Financial Transactions (FA1), when you register as an ACCA student. 

Related ACCA award

Find out about related ACCA exams and awards, and how you achieve them. 

Ready to begin your ACCA-X journey?

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"These courses are ideal for continuing education and for explaining new accounting regulations and refreshing your skills "

Robert - Canada