Information on the syllabus content and structure for unit 8 of the Ethics and Professional Skills Module.
Integrated case study
In this unit, the professional skills developed in the previous six units are tested. You will be put in the position of a qualified accountant applying for a role as the head of accounting at another organisation. That organisation faces a range of new environmental threats, which you as head of accounting have to analyse and evaluate.
In the unit you will undertake a series of tasks including analysing your workload to ensure you can achieve your objectives, preparing calculations and reviewing a report to the board of directors outlining the financial and business implications of the new situation that your business finds itself. You will also need to recommend how to reorganise your department to save costs and manage the people retained within the department most effectively. You will also be given the responsibility for chairing a strategy development sub-committee to evaluate possible strategies to take the business forward successfully.
Section 1: Unit overview
a) Introduction
Section 2: Jamie Roberts and Telford Engineering
a) Introduction
b) Jamie Roberts
c) Telford Engineering
Section 3: Vacancy at Telford Engineering
a) A vacancy arises
b) Review LinkedIn advert
c) Review your CV
d) Improving your CV quiz
Section 4: Invitation for interview
a) Invitation for interview
b) Interview questions quiz
Section 5: A letter from Telford Engineering
Section 6: Breaking news
a) Announcement of MEXIT
b) Emergency board meeting
c) Harry Foo (CEO) - TV Interview
Section 7: Meeting with CFO
a) Impact of MEXIT
b) Task prioritisation activity
c) Organising your tasks quiz
Section 8: Financial forecasting
a) Financial information on Telford Engineering
b) Creating the report quiz
Section 9: Creating the report
a) Creating the report
Section 10: Organisational restructure
a) Re-organisation of the accounting department
b) Meeting with CFO to discuss options
c) Accountancy department costs quiz
Section 11: Human resource planning
a) Redundancy planning
b) Redundancy planning quiz
c) Deciding on who to retain
d) Redundancies within the accountancy department quiz
Section 12: Strategic planning
a) Formulation of the strategy development sub-committee
b) Formulation of the strategy development sub-committee quiz
c) Prepare presentation slides
d) Review presentation slides
e) Analysing the strategic options
f) Analysing the strategic options quiz
g) Suitable strategic options
h) Suitable strategic options quiz
Section 13: Unit summary