EPSM unit 1 syllabus.

Information on the syllabus content and structure for unit 1 of the Ethics and Professional Skills Module.

SCALES - unit 1

Ethics and professionalism

This unit of the module introduces you to the broad ethical and professional values which underpin professional skills and behaviours. Ethical and professional values provide a framework and a moral compass for an accountant and help guide their professional behaviours.

Section 1: Unit overview

a) Introduction

Section 2: Ethics guide

a) Perspectives on ethics

b) Branches of ethics

c) Justice vs care

d) Ethics and morality

e) Ethics and religion

f) Ethics and maturity

g) Ethics and the professions

h) Summary

i) Ethics guide quiz

Section 3: Rules vs principles

a) Rules vs principles

b) Some differences between rules and principles

c) Summary

d) Rules vs principles quiz

Section 4: Fundamental principles

a) About ACCA’s fundamental principles

b) IFAC’s five fundamental principles

c) Summary

d) Fundamental principles quiz

Section 5: The framework

a) The framework

b) The 4 step process

c) An ethical dilemma

d) Further considerations

e) Summary

f) Framework flowchart

g) The framework quiz

Section 6: Case study

a) Introduction

b) Meet the team

c) Iain’s story

d) Gail’s story

Section 7: End of unit activity

Section 8: Unit summary

Summative exercise

The learner is faced with a situation where they are expected to identify ethical dilemmas and take ethical decisions.