Our on-demand exams allow for flexibility in your studies as you can sit them at any time of the year. Results are displayed immediately at the end of the exam, and uploaded to your account within 72 hours. And where remote exams are offered, students tell us they love the flexibility of being able to take exams at home.
About our exams
All our exams are taken on computer (computer-based exams, or CBEs).
FA2 and MA2 exams are on-demand exams, so can be taken at any time of year.
In some locations our exams are taken at exam centres, but in some regions you may be able to take your exams at home (remote exams). Whether you sit your exam remotely or at an exam centre, the exams use the same software, and follow exactly the same format.
Find out more about our exam methods, your options, and how to book
Exam fees
You will need to pay an exam entry fee for each examination that you sit. Payment is made at the time of booking, either to the exam centre if you are sitting a centre exam, or during the online booking process for remote exams.
View details of all current fees and charges