Exemptions can fast track your journey to ACCA membership if you've completed prior learning equivalent to the ACCA exams.
Exemption terms and conditions
Before you apply for exemptions, you should read the exemption terms and conditions
What exemptions are available?
Depending on any existing qualifications you may hold, exemptions can be awarded across:
- The Foundation level qualifications and
- the nine Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams of the ACCA Qualification.
No exemptions are awarded:
- for the Strategic Professional exams of the the ACCA Qualification; or
- on the basis of work experience for the ACCA Qualification.
Use our Exemptions calculator to find out if you can apply for any exemptions.
Understand how ACCA awards exemptions
How to claim exemptions
What you need to do to claim exemptions depends on where you are on your ACCA student journey.
You can use our tool to answer a few questions and get step-by-guidance on what you need to do.
When can I claim exemptions?
If you've gained additional qualifications after registering as a student, you may be eligible to claim further exemptions. You can apply for these at any time.
Oxford Brookes BSc in Applied Accounting
If you intend to complete the BSc degree in Applied Accounting*, Oxford Brookes University gives credit for exemptions awarded to ACCA students for any of the following Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams:
- Business and Technology (BT)
- Management Accounting (MA)
- Financial Accounting (FA)
- Corporate and Business Law (LW)
- Performance Management (PM)
- Taxation (TX)
However, a student must sit and pass the following Applied Skills exams to be eligible for the BSc degree:
- Financial Reporting (FR)
- Audit and Assurance (AA)
- Financial Management (FM)
Oxford Brookes is not able to give credit for exemptions based on qualifications gained more than 10 years ago.
*The BSc programme is closing in 2026. Find out more.
Paying for exemptions
There is a fee payable for each exemption you claim. Exemption fees helps us with the continuous process of rigorously assessing and accrediting a global network of professional and academic bodies and their awards, so that each student can start the qualification at the point that’s right for them.
If you're claiming your exemption(s), please be aware that these must be paid within 30 days from the date that exemptions are awarded to you. If you change your mind and decide to cancel some, or all, of your exemptions, you must notify ACCA within 14 days from the date that the exemptions were awarded or you will not be eligible for a refund or credit of the exemption fee. Please refer to the exemption terms and conditions before applying.
View and pay for exemptions via myACCA.
View our price list for details of current fees and charges.
Should I claim my exemptions?
Exemptions mean you don't have to study the same topics that you've already been taught. This is great if you've recently achieved a qualification, as it's still fresh in your mind. Our process of awarding exemptions is rigorous as we need to ensure we are confident that the prior learning matches the skills and knowledge needed for the ACCA Qualification
However, if you're thinking of claiming an exemption based on qualifications you gained years ago, or you've been working in a field other than accountancy for some time, it may be more beneficial to take the exam. Studying for the exam will allow you to refresh your knowledge and ensure you're sufficiently prepared for the higher level exams, which go into topics in greater depth.
If you're not sure whether to apply for an exemption, use the Get Ready Modules to test your underlying knowledge of the subject. If you have significant gaps in your underlying knowledge, we would advise you to forfeit the exemption and sit the exam.
The Get Ready Modules are an excellent resources to kick off your studies before you tackle any new subject, regardless of your exemption status.