Get ready for your next exam - check your understanding of key syllabus areas and core concepts before you tackle a new subject.
Underpinning knowledge is vital to exam success. This is knowledge that has been taught earlier in the qualification, that you then develop and enhance when you study later subjects. Our Get Ready Modules will help you work out if you have any gaps in your knowledge and provide recommendations to top up that knowledge so that you can study smarter.
Get Ready Modules - demo
Self-check quizzes
These will refresh your core knowledge of key syllabus areas. Once you’ve completed a quiz, we’ll tell you how you’ve done and provide some personalised recommendations based on your score.
Knowledge recap modules
These are detailed e-learning modules to top up your knowledge. Complete the self-chek quiz as normal and then brush up on the core concepts with the knowledge recap modules.
Exam | Self-check | Knowledge recap |
PM, FM, AA, FR | Yes | |
SBL, SBR | Yes | |
AFM, APM, ATX, AAA | Yes | Yes |