The opportunity for students and members to complete the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University is available for a limited time only.
Completion deadline date - May 2026
All students and members must submit all requirements for the BSc programme by May 2026. Full details of the completion deadlines, including final opportunities to submit your Research and Analysis Project (RAP), can be found below.
Completion deadline timetable
May 2026 | Final opportunity to register and submit the RAP. Also the final opportunity for RAP resubmissions for RAPs submitted prior to May 2026. |
November 2026 | Any individuals who fail the RAP at the May 2026 submission will have one opportunity for a resubmission in November 2026. |
December 2026 | Closure of the BSc programme. Anyone registered on the programme who has yet to meet the assessment criteria will no longer be able to achieve the BSc. |
Assuming you fulfil the eligibility requirements of the programme, you'll need to complete all of these elements prior to the completion deadline:
- pass all Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams, including Financial Reporting (FR), Audit and Assurance (AA) and Financial Management (FM) exams,
- complete the ACCA Ethics and Professional Skills module,
- submit and pass the RAP.
If you are thinking of completing the programme
Dependent on your personal circumstances you may still have time to complete the programme.
If you are thinking of starting or are part-way through the BSc programme, it's important that you carefully consider whether your current study schedule gives you a realistic opportunity to complete the programme before the completion deadline.
Below are some illustrative scenarios which you can use to help you decide whether you will have enough time to complete the programme. Please note that these scenarios are illustrative only and were updated in January 2025.

Requirements still to complete before the deadline
All 3 Applied Knowledge exams, All 6 Applied Skills exams, the EPSM, and the RAP submission
Background information
Ashanti has only recently finished school and has just registered as an ACCA student. With no exemptions she needs to start at Applied Knowledge level. Ashanti plans to dedicate herself to her studies to complete the exam requirement of the ACCA Qualification as quickly as possible, studying full time and attending an Approved Learning Partner. However, she will not be able to complete all the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams by the end of 2025.
Our guidance to Ashanti
Realistically Ashanti would need to pass all the OBU exam requirements by September 2025, to give herself sufficient time to complete the EPSM and submit the RAP by May 2026. Unfortunately, this is not feasible. Ashanti will not be able to pass her exams in time for the final RAP submission deadline. As a result, Ashanti will not be able to complete the OBU BSc programme.
ACCA will inform Ashanti should an alternative partner university programme become available to her in future.

Requirements still to complete before the deadline
4 Applied Skills exams, the EPSM, and the RAP submission
Background information
Isaac studies full time, but likes to spend a lot of time socialising with friends. He acknowledges that he doesn't dedicate himself to his studies as much as some of his other classmates. He has completed the Applied Knowledge exams and 2 of the Applied Skills exams. Isaac plans to take the 4 remaining Applied Skills exams in 2025. Based on his previous exam history, it's possible that it might take him 2 or 3 attempts to pass each remaining exam.
Our guidance for Isaac
Isaac still has a long way to go before he completes the programme requirements. Whilst he could still complete the programme before the deadline, there is limited scope to be taking resits within his schedule. Based on his current exam-success expectations, Isaac will struggle to complete the programme in time.
Isaac may need to consider dedicating more time to his studies to achieve a better exam success rate and give himself the best opportunity to complete the programme. He'll also need to factor in sufficient time to complete the EPSM and submit the RAP before the May 2026 deadline. Even with these adjustments, there is no guarantee that he'll be able to complete the programme requirements before the deadline.

Requirements still to complete before the deadline
2 Applied Skills exams, the EPSM, and the RAP submission
Background information
Maya combines her studies with a full time job. Because of her busy schedule she is only planning to take 2 exams in 2025 and doesn't always pass first time. Whilst she has completed many of the exams required for the programme, based on her current schedule and success rate there is still a risk that she will not complete the programme requirements before the deadline.
Our guidance for Maya
There is still an opportunity for Maya to complete the programme under her current exam schedule. However, to do so she may need to increase her exam success rate. She will also need to allocate sufficient time within her busy schedule to complete EPSM and submit the RAP by May 2026.
To give herself the best opportunity to complete the programme before the deadline, she might wish to consider dedicating more time to her studies during this period.
If you have already completed the programme
The closure of the programme following December 2026 will have no effect on the recognition or validity of this prestigious qualification. You will continue to enjoy the reputational benefits it offers.
Other academic qualification options
We do have a number of other academic and post-qualification study options which you may wish to consider. This includes the Oxford Brookes MBA which is not impacted by this change.
Find out more about our other qualification options
We are also currently investigating what additional alternative university partner solutions we might be able to offer students once the OBU BSc programme closes. Once we have any further news we will advise students and partners via our usual channels.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any further questions relating to the closure of the BSc programme, please visit Oxford Brookes University's FAQs document.