Digital Train the Marker.

Get the best out of the mock exam process with our new Train the Marker modules, initially for the Strategic Professional exams.

Taking a mock exam, receiving marks and getting constructive feedback from a tutor can have a significant impact on students’ ability to pass an exam. To equip you to get the best out of the mock exam process we’ve created a series of Train the Marker modules, initially for the Strategic Professional exams.

What's included? 

These modules include video guidance, sample scripts and a marking exercise to help you become more confident using mock exams as part of your course and enabling you to provide greater feedback and advice to students.

Why should I complete the modules? 

This activity isn’t simply about accuracy of marking. It’s about helping to build student confidence by identifying areas where they can improve and ultimately feel more confident heading into the exams.

Where can I access the modules?

You can get access to the Digital Train the Marker modules on the Educator Hub.