Free webinars and podcasts.

Learn something new today with one of these digital resources

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Technical webinars

Our spring series of free technical webinars for practitioners is now underway. Each webinar lasts an hour and starts at 12.30pm BST:

  • Associated companies: Understanding the principles and avoiding the pitfalls
    Available on demand, presented by Ros Martin
  • Protecting yourself and your client during an HRMC enquiry
    Available on demand, presented by Phil Berwick of Berwick Tax
  • An introduction to trusts
    27 June, presented by Vanessa Clark and Sati Virdee of Azets

Join us live or watch on demand at your convenience - register for any or all of these webinars. Each webinar will count for one unit of verifiable CPD where it is relevant to the work that you do.

Bean Counter to Boss podcast series

If you've ever thought about starting an accountancy practice, then nothing beats hearing about it from those who have already done it. In this limited edition podcast series, ACCA members Amy Hancock of Hancock & Hasting and James Goulsbra of Garrett Adam Accountants talk to us about starting their respective practices.

From picking a name for your practice to regularly reviewing the different types of software your growing practice needs, there'll be lots of tips to help you on your own journey when the time comes.

Find the links to each episode.

This podcast series complements our Creating Tomorrow’s Practice Today hub – covering regulation, tips from other members and ACCA partners, and how you can build your community. There’s even a checklist that you can use to check your progress.