Saturday conference two for practitioners
Face-to-face event taking place in London
21 September
7 CPD units
This conference consists of four sessions which makes it a great way of staying informed about the latest technical issues as well as networking with your peers.
Conference two for practitioners
Virtual event
25 and 26 September
8 CPD units
This conference consists of four sessions which makes it a cost-effective way of staying informed about the latest technical issues for those in practice.
Tax issues for innovative companies
10 July
3 CPD units
What if a client comes to you with a great idea and wants to know how to structure this? What things do we need to think about? This session will consider some of the issues including:
- new company or existing company – the impact of associated companies
- claiming R&D tax reliefs – the current landscape and changes to legislation and compliance in this area
- gaining investment through SEIS and EIS – the pitfalls and benefits.
Performing effective AML assessments
25 June
3 CPD units
You will walk away with a good grasp of all the important regulations within AML, helping to ensure your firm is fully compliant with ACCA requirements.
Deferred tax and property revaluations
7 July
3 CPD units
This three-hour webinar will look at the detailed technical accounting and disclosure requirements for deferred tax and property revaluations.