Late payments – have your say now

Take a moment to make a difference by completing these survey requests

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Your insights play an important part in ACCA’s engagement with government departments and help to demonstrate the value of the professional accountant in promoting public interest and adding public value. This is core to what ACCA does and demonstrates that ACCA should, and does, work for the public good.

There are currently three opportunities to contribute, all around late payments and the Small Business Commissioner.

The government is required to review the Payments Services Regulations 2017.

  • Alongside the review, the government is launching a call for evidence on how UK payments regulation should evolve to continue to meet the government’s aims and address the specific challenges highlighted in the review.
  • As part of the recently announced Payment and Cashflow Review, the Department for Business and Trade is seeking views and evidence to inform the Statutory Review of the Small Business Commissioner (SBC), looking in particular at its effectiveness in improving payment practices in commercial transactions and the impact of the commissioner’s actions on awareness of small businesses of, or their use of, alternative dispute resolution procedures.
  • The Department for Business and Trade and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (as was) are seeking views on proposals to amend and improve the Payment Practices and Performance Regulations and whether they should extend beyond their current expiry date of 6 April 2024.