Register now for a selection of autumn CPD

Face-to-face Conference Three for Practitioners
Friday 13 October
8 CPD units
Join us in London to network, learn and discuss key topics in your sector.
Conference Three for Practitioners
Wednesday 22-Thursday 23 November
8 CPD units
This conference consists of four sessions which makes it a cost-effective way of staying informed about the latest technical issues.
AML Due Diligence Essentials
On demand
3 CPD units
Client due diligence is a crucial element of the AML regime for firms operating in the regulated sector but an aspect that many struggle with. This deep dive seminar will deal with all the common issues and provide practical advice.
Harnessing ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence
Thursday 2 November
3 CPD units
This highly interactive, half-day course charts the evolution of artificial intelligence, with a particular emphasis on machine learning algorithms such as ChatGPT. Understanding how these algorithms operate leads to a debate about how they could be used – and how they should not be used!