The digital accountant: is your firm behind the curve?

Why digitalisation should be a priority for anyone working in the accountancy sector


Businesses need to be able to adapt. If anything, adaptability is essential.

Accountancy has moved far beyond the world of simple business bookkeeping and payroll to services that focus on actionable business advice.

PracticeWeb has conducted research in association with AccountancyManager to show where accountants really are getting the most out of technology and leading the way for their clients.

The report looks at the following main themes:

  • businesses value technology to improve their processes
  • clients want you to be visible and contactable online
  • online competition is a top challenge for SMEs
  • regulatory compliance is a big concern
  • helpful tips on how you can use technology to your advantage.

As the results demonstrate, just as digitalisation is a top priority for SMEs that want to beat the competition, digitalisation and technological skills should be a priority for anyone working in the accountancy sector. That’s no surprise, as online competition continues to grow and Making Tax Digital makes tax compliance harder.

Of course, business owners face an array of challenges, most of which technology can solve. But what brought our respondents together was their wish for an accountant who understands how to use technology to benefit their business. Indeed, many would pay more for a tech-savvy accountant.

Not only does tech give you the perfect opportunity to keep in close contact with clients or help them get to grips with modern accounting practices, but it might be just what you need to entice the next generation of business leaders to stick with you for years to come. In fact, clients expect to find accountants online and receive digital communications:

  • a third of SMEs found their accountants online: 10% via search engine, 11% on social media, and 12% through online advertising
  • 58% felt it was very or extremely important to see evidence of expertise on an accountant’s website, such as articles or guides
  • 59% wanted to receive communication from their accountant via email, compared to phone calls (48%) and in-person meetings (39%).

You can read the full report and see how its findings could help your business with this free download.