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Digitalising your practice
The latest podcast in our series about digitalising your practice is now available. ACCA members Gavin Spencer of Beach Accountants and Emily Inman of Zynct talk about why you need to have your practice on the cloud and discuss practical aspects – such as whether you need to have every client on the cloud, and whether there are any cheaper options for small clients. Listen now.
We have more resources to support the digitalisation of your practice.
Strategy podcast series
In collaboration with Remarkable Practice, we’ve developed a series of five podcasts which look at strategy. Paul Shrimpling and Doug Aitken of Remarkable Practice set the scene in an overview podcast which is now available. Every week we will release a new podcast where Paul chats to ACCA members about:
- vision and OKRs – where are you taking your firm and what quarterly objectives and key results (OKRs) are you committed to? Featuring Glyn Davison of Harlands and Gareth Pinder of Griffiths & James and Parker & Co
- values – what behavioural standards are you committed to, so that your team and clients know what to expect from your firm? Featuring Cheryl Sharp of Pink Pig Financials and Phool Ashraf of Gains Accountants
- purpose – what’s your firm’s ‘reason for being’? What is it you stand for that you, your team and your clients (existing and new) see as truly meaningful and worthwhile supporting? Featuring James Lizars of Thrive and Steph Rickaby of Sunflower Accounts
- inevitable trends, unyielding rocks and substantial challenges – what changes in the world are going to have a meaningful impact on your firm? And what things are immovable cornerstones on which you can build your firm’s future around? And what reality checks should we apply to make sure your firm’s strategy is really worth following? Featuring Emily Inman of Zynct and Stephen Pell of ICONAC.
Marketing your practice podcast series
What do you want to know about marketing your practice? We’re planning a series of podcasts with our partner PracticeWeb, so tell us what you want to hear about and we’ll try to build it into the series. Current ideas include:
- attracting the clients you want
- marketing tactics
- creating a marketing lead generation machine
- the benefits of being niche
- what business owners look for in an accountant
- how you create a marketing strategy and plan
- how do you measure return on investment
- the role of marketing to remove price objections.
…but what else do you want to hear about? Email with your suggestions.
Further resources
Have a look at the series of ACCA articles by Will Farnell on Transitioning to a digital firm.