Public sector conference 2020.

ACCA’s 10th International Public Sector Conference – sessions available on demand


ACCA hosted the 10th-anniversary International Public Sector Conference virtually for the first time due to current events. The conference was a fantastic success with over 80,000 registrations from all corners of the world.

Speakers from around the world and across a wide range of topics shared their expertise and encouraged debate and ideas. The event was opened by ACCA’s Chief Executive Helen Brand, ACCA’s President Mark Millar FCCA and IFAC’s President Alan Johnson and was closed with a fantastic keynote address by New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minster, Hon. Grant Robertson. We also launched the latest PI report on "New Models of Public Procurement" and created a new global Public Sector LinkedIn group as part of the “Super connector” project. Hear the sessions here, read the report here and see the LinkedIn group here.
Other topics throughout the day included health financing during a pandemic, Supreme Audit Institutions and the SDGs and developing a future ready finance function. The engagement and feedback from our audience were wonderfully positive with one attendee commenting: “A most rewarding conference that provided much to be considered and taken on board as we go forward as accounting professionals. Thank you ACCA - much appreciated.

Many thanks to all those who attended or took part in the conference – we look forward to an event bigger and better event in 2021.

For questions or comments about the event please contact Alex Metcalfe or Rachel Bleetman.