Julia Batham.


Every morning we wake up, we have two choices; continue to sleep with our dreams or get out of bed and chase them.....if you are reading this - you are chasing yours by studying/having studied ACCA.

My journey so far has been that I worked my way up: accounts assistant, cost analyst, management accountant, financial accountant, operations accountant, financial controller, Group financial analysis and audit manager. I am taking the scenic route on my ACCA journey as most days my brain is too fried from work to concentrate on studying (and yes, studying is harder the older you get) but I slowly keep plodding on and now at 50, I just have my last 4 exams to take (experience and PER is done).

You are never too old to learn, improve yourself or make a better life for you and your family - go for it but just remember it is your journey, it is not a race and don't try to compare your journey to anyone else's.... their variables will not be the same as yours.

Good luck to everyone where ever you are on your journey - reach for the stars and you may just catch the moon.


"You are never too old to learn, improve yourself or make a better life for you and your family - go for it"