The role of the project mentor.

The opportunity to complete the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting will close in May 2026.

The role of the Project Mentor

One of the requirements of the Oxford Brookes BSc degree programme is that students must have a Project Mentor to support and guide them as they complete the Research and Analysis Project.

Your Project Mentor is there to support you with the preparation of your Research and Analysis Project, by providing advice and feedback to you at appropriate times during your Project activities. They will also be asked by Oxford Brookes to confirm that they have been your Project Mentor and that your Research and Analysis Project is your own work.

Please note: Mentoring is a service which is provided by a registered mentor, working as your personal contractor. Many mentors charge for providing this service. This charge can be up to 500 GBP.

Watch our  video to learn more about the Project Mentor and what is required of them:


Oxford Brookes requires that you have at least three meetings with your Project Mentor, each of which would normally be about 30 minutes in length. If your Project Mentor agrees, you could have additional or longer meetings, but you should negotiate this before you start your Research and Analysis Project work.

The Project Mentor meetings should focus not only on the planning and research needed to prepare a good Research and Analysis Project, but also on the opportunity for you to develop skills in listening, questioning and presenting your findings. Oxford Brookes suggest that your planning for each meeting includes the preparation of an agenda of issues which can be covered in the time available to you. Focus on the key issues and identify the desired outcomes from the meeting. Take notes to record the actions needed to progress your Research Report and to contribute to your reflection for your Skills and Learning Statement.

From June 2015 all Project Mentors will have to successfully complete the approved online Mentoring course and be registered as Approved Mentors for the BSc degree in Applied Accounting on the Oxford Brookes website.

For more information about the mentor training course, see

Selecting a Project Mentor

Further information is available on the Project Mentor selection process.

Visit our Choosing you Project Mentor section to learn more

Skills and Learning Statement (SLS)

You can read more about how your Project Mentor can assist with the preparation of your SLS.

Visit our Contribution to Skills and Learning Statement section for more information

Project Mentor notes

The Information Pack contains information about working with a mentor.