Ethics Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

ACCA Ethics Terms and Conditions


Last updated: August 2024

Please read these terms and conditions (“Conditions”) carefully before purchasing the resources made available to you by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (“ACCA”, “we”, our or “us”) online via the ACCA Ethics platform (“ACCA Ethics”), such as courses, certificates and study materials ("Resources"). By purchasing these Resources, you are confirming your agreement to be bound by these Conditions.

1.1. Payments for any fee-incurring Ethics Modules on ACCA Ethics must be received in full for the whole price of the Resources(s) that you wish to purchase before your order is accepted by ACCA.
1.2. Payments for all purchases will be taken at the time of booking.
1.3. The price payable is as set out on ACCA Ethics at the time of paying for the Resource, as the same may be amended from time to time. ACCA reserves the right to change the price of the Resources at any time without prior notice. 

Your right to cancel:
2.1. If you have not accessed and/or started using the Ethics Module(s) you have a right to cancel your purchase of the Resource within a period of fourteen (14) days ("Cooling off Period") from the date on which payment was taken.
2.2. You must inform ACCA of your decision to cancel, within the Cooling off Period, by contacting us using the following link Contact Us
2.3. Once your cancellation request has been approved you will be entitled to a full refund of the payment.
2.4. Refunds will be made using the same method of payment you used for the purchase.
2.5. You hereby consent to immediate performance of this contract and acknowledge that you will lose your right to cancel or withdraw your order once you have accessed and/or started using the Resource. 
2.6. Following the Cooling off Period, all transactions are final and you will not be able to amend or cancel your booking. 
2.7. Where you have purchased Resources at the multiple booking rate and cancel one or more of the Resources, the remaining Resources will be charged at the standard rate.
2.8 Where you have purchased the Resources at a discounted or promotional rate and cancel, if approved, you will be refunded for the amount you paid at the time of purchase.

3.1. Access to the Resources on ACCA Ethics will begin as soon as your payment is processed. Your duration of access is specified at the time of purchase. If you do not access, use or complete the Resources within that time ACCA is not required to extend your access period.

3.2. ACCA Ethics is subject to ACCA’s Ethics Modules Regulations and Guidelines and you must comply with these regulations and guidelines throughout the duration of your access and use of the Resources.

3.3. You acknowledge that the duration of your access to the Resources on ACCA Ethics is subject to the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) terms and conditions which you accepted when registering on the ACCA Ethics platform.

4.1. The prices of the Resources are displayed on ACCA Ethics and includes applicable local sales taxes. The amount charged to you will be stated at the time of booking and will be in the currency stated on ACCA Ethics.
4.2. ACCA may at its own discretion offer discounts or promotions on the Resources for a specified length of time. ACCA is not required to extend the discount or promotion after the date stated. 
4.3. ACCA reserves the right to withdraw or cancel a discount or promotion for any reason at any time.
4.4. Promotions and discounts may be limited to certain Resources or certain Resources may be excluded from the offer. Excluded Resources will not count towards any qualifying conditions for offers and will not benefit from any promotional discount.

5.1. ACCA audits your progress and engagement with the Resources to monitor your conduct and behaviour. Any acts or omissions by you which results in complaints or claims related to malpractice or plagiarism shall be investigated, including conduct by you where the engagement and behaviour with the Resource is deemed inappropriate or unprofessional.
5.2. If you are under investigation in accordance with clause 5.1. above, your access to the Resources will be suspended pending the final outcome of that investigation and any disciplinary proceedings.


6.1. We may update and change the Resources or modify the features and functionality of the ACCA Ethics from time to time to reflect changes to relevant laws and regulatory requirements, or if the amendment will not materially affect the nature or quality of the operation of ACCA Ethics. 

6.2. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you in a timely manner of material changes which are likely to affect you. If you do not agree with the changes, you may cease using the Resources on ACCA Ethics. Continued use of ACCA Ethics after such changes have taken effect shall be an acknowledgement of your acceptance of any changes to the Resources and the Conditions.


7.1. ACCA will make reasonable efforts to deliver the ACCA Ethics using reasonable skill and care and within a reasonable time. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

7.2. If we breach these Conditions, we shall only be liable to you for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such a breach (which means that the losses could have been contemplated by you or us at the time of entering these Conditions), subject to any limitations or exclusions set out in these Conditions. In no case shall we be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages which are a side effect of the main damage and were not reasonably foreseeable at the time of entering these Conditions, unless such exclusion is prohibited by law.

7.3. Subject to section 7.2, we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business or employment, interruption to studies or employment progression, wasted expenditure, loss of data or other information or loss of goodwill, reputation or other opportunity.


8.1. Your privacy is important to us. Please see our Privacy Policy at for more information on how we use your personal data.


9.1 These Conditions, its subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims), are governed by the laws of England. You and ACCA irrevocably agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

9.2. In the event of a dispute or complaint brought by you against ACCA, we encourage you to contact our Customer Service Team using the following link Contact Us who will do their best to resolve any problems you have with us in accordance with our complaints policy: How to make a complaint


10.1. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Conditions to another organisation. We will use reasonable endeavours to tell you in writing if this happens. If you are unhappy with the transfer you must stop using ACCA Ethics.

10.2 This contract is in place between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

10.3 Each of the paragraphs of these Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

10.4 If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Conditions, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking these Conditions, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.