
In the UK, over 1,200 individuals responded, from a broad range of sectors, enabling us to get a deeper understanding of attitudes among the UK accountancy and finance workforce about issues such as job mobility, ways of working, mental health and the cost of living crisis. 

Key themes that emerged in the UK this year

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the profession 

UK respondents are broadly optimistic about the advent of AI in accountancy and are less inclined to express concerns on the speed of technology change than respondents in other parts of the world, though some worries are evident, with demand for training and concern about the impact of tech is greater than last year. 

2. Cost of living crisis continues to dominate 

The impact of inflation on pay remains the top concern. While UK respondents are mostly satisfied with the salaries they receive,  pressure is evident and retention pressure follows. 

3. Hybrid working leads the way in the UK 

Hybrid working in the UK remains widespread and is by far the preferred working practice for employees, though subtle changes and challenges have become evident over the past year. 

4. Equity, diversity and inclusivity are key 

Equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) indicators from UK respondents score well compared with other regions, though there is more to do. 

5. Mental health – addressing burnout remains a priority 

UK workplaces score highly in comparison with other regions but mental health concerns are widespread across generations. 

6. Retention – a workforce on the move 

Employers in the UK face retention challenges in the near term, but career aspirations for employees are, for the vast majority, confined to the UK.