Confidentiality is a priority if you are taking steps to sell your practice to avoid unsettling clients and staff - both of which may leave if they have concerns about the future of the practice. Competitors may also start targeting your clients. 

You may be able to identify a practice in your network, or another local practice, that you think may be interested in buying your practice. If you are confident that confidentiality will be maintained then you can approach them directly. In initial discussions, you should only provide a summary of fees and types of clients but without any identifiable information.

If discussions progress then protect your practice by requiring the potential buyer to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before you provide them with access to client files that will inevitably be required so that they can assess the quality of the work of your practice.

If you use a broker or adviser, ensure that they require potential buyers to sign a confidentiality agreement, and that they only tell a potential buyer who you are with your permission.